Sunday, 28 October 2018

SLQ November Competition

Sentinel's quarterly magazine competition  is an impartially run, fair crack of the whip for poets weighing up their annual spend on prizes. I'm judging for the second time - and I remember from the process a few years ago many poems I picked up, put down, picked up again. It's a responsibility.  Entry numbers, I think, range from 100 to 300+: And in his report the judge will endeavour to give credit where it's due.  I'm all ears. 

Saturday, 20 October 2018

October Online

A sprinkling of poems on popular ezines this month, Today Nine Muses Press, tomorrow, scheduled for the beautiful Poetry Shed and a verse attached to this goat’s head in the Ekphrastic Review a week or two ago.  Everyone should try the Ekphrastic Review, & although they didn’t post my piece on El Bobo – that too is available in some good book shops.  Further ekphrastic platform challenges offered monthly on the Nine Muses site.  

Sunday, 7 October 2018

At Harbour Books and the Poetry Cafe

That was a really good weekend on the poetic chase: Rosie invited me to Words on Waves at Harbour Books, Whitstable on Thursday, National poetry day, where we had good readers and a good crowd and then on Saturday we joined Quentin and Colin Pink at the Poetry CafĂ©.  Colin having stepped in at a morning’s notice.  Rosie had the wit to wear a bright scarf, I think we all acquitted ourselves pretty well. 

It was such an enthusiastic audience, there were more laughs all round than we anticipated and the PC basement loses it echo with a full house.  It’s a good spot.  Peter couldn't make it was the downside, there will be other times.