Searching anthologies for new blood, I have again unearthed DH Lawrence’s animal poems, always so light and memorable. Lizard, below, a good example, makes the point man has long been a dull thing, often viewed as a disappointment really. Hey ho! I have enough of Lawrence’s bats, snakes and and wild things in Heaney and Hughes’ Rattlebag to meet my appetite there, I’ll give Frank O’Hara a go.
A lizard ran
out on a rock and looked up, listening
no doubt to the sounding of the spheres.
And what a dandy fellow! The right toss of a chin for you
And swirl of a tail!
no doubt to the sounding of the spheres.
And what a dandy fellow! The right toss of a chin for you
And swirl of a tail!
If men were
so much men as lizards are lizards
they’d be worth looking at.
they’d be worth looking at.